Thursday, February 19, 2009

Stop the blaming! It is YOU!

Some of the people impacted by the crisis get into a cycle of victimizing themselves as being 'under' a situation that simply requires them to be 'on top' of it.
It goes straight into the basics of asking yourself what kind of job seeker you are.
Are you the passive one that gets into Internet and apply to every single job posting matching with his skills waiting to be 'discovered' by the system and brought into the light?
Are you the indecise applicant that applies to lots of different things getting anything that jumps in between wether it is a professional chance to grow a career or just a job to get by?
Or are you willing to start doing what it takes to become a pro-active job seeker that uses a VARIETY of resources to get him into his career GOAL?

And there is when the key element of success gets noticed. Do you know what makes a difference between success and failure? YOU! yes, it is YOU!

So, take a breath and stop for a minute to think what can get you into an action gear mode that provides you with the really wanted results either on your job search or your career exploration (or both!).

Reflect on your strenghts and achievements. Most resumes and even linkedin profiles fail to mention what you have done and contributed in the past that could make you a candidate to be considered out of the pile. Hiring companies are looking to those who can potentially ADD value.
Re-think, then your value proposition to the market based on your results and successes.

Yes, there are lots of circumstances out there that get in the way, but one of the key elements that will get you out of the hole is precisely your inner motivation which together with your competencies and ability to insert successfully into challenging situations learned from previous experiences will land you that job or career you want.

There are many tools and resources for success available for you to move on. Google in Internet what you need, have informative meetings with those role models you may have, network actively with a purpose or hire a career coach to facilitate your journey but design a plan and start going for it!

So, the beginning starts with you!

Best success!

Your coach.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

A strong alliance will always conquer!

Defining your dream and then, the goals and the strategy that will lead you to it is not an easy task if you are just considering the smaller picture. However, once you identify your allies and work with them, it is a whole different story. What starts as a possibility becomes a formula for success!
The premise for this thinking is that there is nothing more powerful than synergism which translates in how the actions of your allies when working together for either your goals or theirs create a bigger effect that if doing it separately. It is like Michael Jordan once said: "Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships".
So, how far have you got to go to find your allies? The simpliest way is mainly about identifying in your life the people you have bonded to, those that when together create sparks of innovation. Your allies can be your mentor (s), relatives, friends, colleagues and at the end those that when put in a room with you make you a better strategic thinker.
We find allies in the most unexpected ways. There is the one that push us out of our comfort zone to look at the bigger picture, there is also the risk oriented ally that by sharing her on-going challenges and successes empower us to follow our own leap of faith and there is also the cheerleader type that constructevely provides the needed feedback to reinforce the capabilities we believe we had in place to get started on the first place. There is the business savvy one, the inter-cultural expert, the IT genious...go figure. Alliances can be vertical, horizontal and so on.
However, the ability to plan, create, embrace, re-inforce, promote and sustain an alliance is a key differentiator that could seriously mean the choice between achieving your goals or not.

But what makes an alliance a formula for success?
- It increases the delivery quality. Once you've cross-checked the talents in your alliance the capability of the sum of its parts is certainly bigger.
- It is goals oriented as everyone is focused on the future; therefore, improving performance and adding value is a 'must'.
- When times are tough, it grows stronger! Call it survival mode or just trusting that the collective experience will keep all the involved ones afloat. Whatever way you want to look at it, it works!
- It beats the competition whatever the goals of its members are. From looking for a job to growing a business or just building a friendship the ending result is so superior that chances are everyone is more fullfilled and satisfied at the end.
- It is a rewarding, win-win experience for everyone. Nothing is unconditional. Can you still say your proper please and thank-you?
- Allies tend to reciprocate not because they have to but because they want to. There is the commitment to look for improvement in your partner's business and their desire to do the same for yours.
- It makes the road less travelled a 'not-that-solitary' one.

So, ask yourself who your allies are and start working on a successful alliance (I've got some wonderful allies already to be very thankful to!!!)

"Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved"
William Jennings Bryan


"The path to greatness is along with others"
Baltasar Gracion

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Seizing the opportunity every single day!

It is beyond overwhelming all the news we are getting about the bad shape of the economy and lay offs. It could potentially be enough to 'downsize' your own job exploration goals not knowing that there are ways to use the resources you have to be successful.
1. Networking is not a job, it is not an add-up task. It is something that you just do and keep doing to keep up to date with your contacts, to be present in their minds and eventually in their consideration for potential employment. It is about opening doors,but how?
3. Count your assets! I do not mean that you go and get all your banking accounts together but actually assess your capabilities and past/current contributions and successes. Understand what you are worth, a clear awareness of your own self net value will do wonders in how you interact and the lasting impression you create in others.
2. P-E-N-A son 4 letras (the word 'shy' is just 4 letters). That is what I was always told as a kid and as a professional whenever looking to contact or to meet someone that I was interested either for personal or professional reasons. That means you can always reach for more. Keep extending your network, go to talks, conferences, networking events. Have a business card ready and a couple of lines that clearly set yourself for success.
5. Build your virtual network. There are many people that have very busy lives between work and personal/family commitments; however, the virtual social networks are wonderful to look at potential opportunities and extend your network. Be bold, participate in groups' discussions, ask questions, dare to respond, give an opinion. You'll be extending your network beyond the people you've known to those that are in your field in a more efficient way.
6. Believe in your product and its attributes which means BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. Re-discover your talents, search for examples when you overcame the impossible and remember how you felt when you were able to meet your goals. Was there a commonality? Be proud on your strengths and verbalize them in a tangible way for others to understand, still work on your areas of development, face them, commit to yourself.
All of this will help you have your eyes, mind and heart open to the opportunity when it arises, when you create it and then, seize it! catch it!.
As Martha Stewart shared on her book (The Martha Rules) "If the word risk makes you nervous, call it an investment".