Sunday, October 25, 2009

Multiple Hats Career Development Plan

Are you a procrastinating indecisive person? Or are you one of the zillion ‘multiple hats’ professionals coping with tons of choices every day?
Most of the reasons people give me everyday to procrastinate their important choices/actions is the inability to commit themselves to choose what ultimately will make them not just more effective in achieving their longer term goals but meeting their final dream destination.
I was just talking about it today with not just one but quite a few people and the conclusion is that …mmmm! Well, the truth is that there is not conclusion on the ‘Multiple Hat Career Development plan’ but a way to be happier and cooler about it.
I know there seems to be an infinite horizon when you look at the number/variety of hats we wear and choices that come with them such as, subscriptions, volunteering responsibilities, professional affiliations, affinity groups, training, certifications, social interactions, family commitments, pets, etc. But I also know that if you have a clear vision, what stops you is just the inability to believe you CAN tackle the task ahead by repeating your successful past choices - with the ‘experience’ as an added value - in your future and narrow your options, so then you begin recreating the success feeling that comes out of working hard towards a dream that is aligned to a personal/professional vision.
And what if what you need is just some extra courage? Then, go and talk to that mentor you have not seen in ages or seek guidance in a career coach. Ask questions and allow yourself to be humble in your own reflexion while you re-energize yourself and prepare for success.
You know that you can quit some hats, right? You can also save some others for the next season and wear the ones that get the best from you, so then you move somewhere that is closer to the place you wanted to go from the beginning.
Have you seen the lady at the wedding reception that missed reading the dress code note on the invitation and came casually dressed? That could be any of us if we do not ‘read our external/internal’ clues that tell us how far (or close) we are from our desired destination.
Ok, I confess, I am one of you, I mean, I am a ‘Multiple Hat’ professional and I make my choices everyday. Some of them are hard to make, especially when the heart is involved but nobody said the journey to a dream was easy. So, it may be, you sacrifice a little bit here and now but you will be getting much more in the longer run and saving the best for that final mile that lets you move to the winning podium of your life once you take control of it.
Assuming ownership and accountability not just for your choices, but actions and consequences that come from them with a good compass will not just ensure your sense of direction but your focus and sense of fulfillment; therefore, happiness.
Just remember to choose your hats wisely!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Is S-T-R-E-S-S winning this battle?

According to the American Institute of Stress, surveys show that 75 to 90 percent of visits to primary care physicians are for stress-related complaints.
Then, a common element of the recession is the stress caused either by losing a job and the uncertainty of the unknown regarding what to do about it (like if we ever knew our future, anyway!).
Though I am not playing the Doctor's role in here I can certainly coach you about re-thinking how to cope with your level of stress on this uncertainty. The trick is staying resilient through the challenges of these life changing events. After all, we never know what challenges or difficulties lay ahead.
Then, if Resilience is about taking action to make the future better, may I suggest...?
I. Re-discover a vision to commit to.
Where is your passion? Where is that destiny you feel you belong to and the strategy and goals that indicate you are getting closer to it? When was the last time you thought of it?
II. Stay positive.
Yes, it is easier to say than to do it, but nothing works better for a healthy mind than a busy day full of things to do that are aligned to that vision. After all, optimism is a skill than can be learned.
If you lost your job and are 100% focused in finding a new one, find some fulfilling activities that complete your job hunting strategy and energize your spirit. E.g. talk to a mentor, volunteer in a non-profit group or schedule some needed friends' night out after a long week.
III. Think like a winner and act like one.
No, I am not telling you to move to 'fantasy island' when you still have bills to pay and a job to find to be able to meet your obligations, but your level of energy is perceived by those who interact with you on daily basis = your network!. What about listening to your favorite music when going to that professional networking meeting and getting there ready to promote the attributes of your brand instead of complaining about the cost of living and how hard the economy is? Does that sound like something dummy to do? Well, I've witnessed that kind of behavior and how it repels others. Then, instead of feeling sorry, switch your mood for grabbing that piece of pie that belongs to you. Be the owner of your own life by choosing to be a doer, not a complainer. Your successes are not the result of a series of accidents but the outcome of your talent and competency put into action.
IV. Take care of yourself.
Have you seen the fellow next door who always looks like he never washes his face even if it is 2:00 pm in the afternoon? Having a full agenda committed to your success means taking care of its most important asset: YOU! What about eating healthy? Exercising a little? Enjoying the small things of life and share a smile with others? Turn off that TV, leave the computer behind and take a walk. Refresh your mind and come back fully creative to face a new way to fulfill that career aspiration. Depression may be a serious matter for some not to be taken lightly, so pay a visit to that Doctor that you have not seen in ages and put your own mental and physical health as #1 priority.
V. Be Ready for Change.
You have no choice, as Charles Darwin figured this out: “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change".

And do not forget to laugh a little "...the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own folly - then you can let go and quickly move on."
- Dr. Spencer Johnson, Who Moved My Cheese?

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Mind Reading Syndrome

An interview is a chance to probe who the best candidate for a job is, isn’t it?, so what happens when you believe to be that perfect match and once you leave the interview you never get a call back.
It may sound quite too much when you hear ‘prepare, prepare and prepare’ for the interview as it seems obvious, but in real life most people seem to prepare in their minds while going through their different resume versions and job description and never really rehearsing or role playing for the interview, hoping as a result what I will name as the ‘mind-reading syndrome’ outcome.
Now, take a look at some questions I’d like you to ask yourself to check whether you are a ‘mind-reading syndrome’ victim:

1. When you go to an interview, you:
a. Hope the interviewer will ask the easy open questions that provide the best freedom to choose what to say at your best
b. Dress for success and hope they like what they see
c. Have clarity on the key professional Brand messages you are ready to sell
2. When talking to the interviewer, you:
a. Focus in telling your story
b. Listen to what the interviewer wants to know and read between lines
c. Ask proactive questions that show how prepare you are for the interview and the job
d. Share some personal stories ‘to connect’ to him/her
3. When leaving the interview, you:
a. Shake hands, thank the interviewer and leave the office hoping for the best
b. Do not leave the place until you have clarity on the next steps, decision making process and feedback on your own questions regarding the open position relationship map and career development for it
c. Go straight back home to send that thank you letter that will put you on the right spot

Now, what do you think? Have you got what it takes to learn from the experience and figure out what happened to that perfect job you were so ready for but never heard anything back on? Are you doing your homework to verbalize while role-playing with one of your allies what you’ve got to tell while in the interview? Have you identified what distinguishes you from the other candidates? Have you done your research on the company, networked among your key contacts stories about its corporate culture, business dynamics and decision making process? Have you worked on your virtual brand to ensure once you are done the interviewer will find a remarkable profile on the web that tells a positive story about your track record with referrals included (e.g. LinkedIn)? Are you ready to thank the ones that not just interviewed you but potentially referred you to it?

So, what about switching for a minute the syndrome and making it your responsibility, so then you are so prepared in a way that gets you to proactively respond with tangible and concise examples what makes you not only competent for that job but a perfect fit for it.
And what if that calls you never got did not have anything to do with you but with the fact that there may have been another preferred candidate selected?
The fact is that I could give you lots of excuses (or reasons) to push you to be under the ‘mind-reading syndrome’ for a looong time, but I will do you a favor and just tell you that learning from your own stories and growing your Brand in between will not make you a mind-reader but a successful job seeker that knows how to move on to get to a goal and achieve a career vision.

“It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable.“- Moliere

“Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go.“ William Feather

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Great Networking Rewards Program

'Get Great Networking Rewards by Earning Points with Thank you notes '...wouldn't you like a program like that?
Though, ALL of us do some level of networking the basic rules of asking for what you want (need) by saying please and thanking properly your contact for getting back to you with a 'Thank you' seems not to be consistently applied across the board.
Your contact will never forget how appreciative you are of the time, effort or response generated by your polite request but will also NOT forget how you may obtain what you asked for and never bothered to come back with a simple 'thank you'.
During my career 'I've had both extremes' and I confess I've given much more to those appreciative of my time than the ones that got my attention, my referrals, my tips and never even bothered to thank me or update me on the success generated by that information.
The chances are it has happened to you!
How wonderful to have a Brand that reflects courtesy and kindness to manage effective relationships with your network. Even better a Brand that plays the networking game of 'give and take' at its best. Doing so will open you doors to wonderful and unthinkable opportunities that lie ahead of you if you dare not just to think bold but act kindly.
So, how many points have you earned for your Networking Reward Program this month?
Don't miss this opportunity to expand your job search network even when you may not be looking for a job at this time!

"To educate yourself for the feeling of gratitude means to take nothing for granted, but to always seek out and value the kind that will stand behind the action. Nothing that is done for you is a matter of course. Everything originates in a will for the good, which is directed at you. Train yourself never to put off the word or action for the expression of gratitude" Albert Schweitzer (Humanitarian).