Make some room for this amazing miracle maker. This individual can make anything happen when committed to it. That person can be YOU!
These last weeks have been incredibly busy and full of successful stories. People that have worked hard – and smart – to achieve a vision. People who have not given up and have made lemonade out of the lemons thrown at them.
I’d like to share a couple of these stories that clearly probe that 'YOU can change what happens next’.
One of the stories is about a marvelous high potential corporate employee who was severed after having demonstrated his performance at his best all around the world. He felt betrayed but not defeated when he made contact with me the first time a year or so ago. He had a clear vision and went for it. He built a stronger network and became a familiar face in the affinity professional group he chose to be active part of. He got a job offer very soon at a mid size company and kept doing what he knew how to do at his best. A couple of months ago I was contacted again by him to run a Branding Interviewing session. He was being pursued by a major corporation. Not long after he started the screening process with this company he was also approached by a second major organization. What can be better than having a job and two potential job offers at great multinational corporations? He had the luxury of choosing what he believed was the top employer of the two and the one that offered him the opportunity of continuing his career progression.
My second story is not about a client but a role model for all. I connected a few weeks ago with someone in LinkedIn I though had quite a distinctive Brand. As I do sometimes, I asked him to meet and then, we had lunch. He is a +30 years experience professional that has changed his career 3 times. He is not quite ready to retire but to face a new adventure, a challenge that allows him to feel the thrill again of re-inventing himself while being at his best. A dedicated community volunteer with a big network and an incredible track record of achievements.
There are some elements these fellows have in common:
- A clear VISION. Knowing where you want to go makes a definitive statement on the direction or re-direction you take on your career. It is about that ultimate place you’d like to see yourself in the future. There is a popular expression: ‘All roads lead to Rome’. If you know you want to get there, then what are you waiting for?
- A strong Network and a distinctive Brand. These folks have created and extended a network that relies on the quality and distinctive elements of their Brands. They are trusted resources for those who know them.
- Community advocates. Both of them have volunteered successfully in organizations and generated visibility in not just their technical abilities but their willingness to take that extra step to support a cause when is needed.
- Sense of FUN. One of them is quite an athlete and the other is an explorer. Both enjoy life, have a strong family/friends support system and look forward to what may comes next knowing they have the power to grab that wheel and control the result.
- Work/Life Balance. They have personal goals. Not everything is 100% job related when you talk to them. They actually have a fulfilling life that determines their Brands and not a Brand that depends on a particular job to be successful. It may be one of the reasons they can so easily move from job to job when needed.
These are ‘Miracle Makers’. They do not wait for the opportunity to knock on their doors but move their actions aligned to their values in the direction their future vision to be is placed.
A Brand with a heart is more authentic than anything else you may see on paper. They walk the talk, their actions fulfill their words and they create/make/grow their own world.
But remember, their successes did not happen overnight because ‘even miracles take a little bit of time’.
Best Success!
Your Coach,
Mariela Tinoco-Aramburu
‘Because You Can Change What Happens Next’
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Improv Your Employee Appreciation Day
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