Quite a numbers of years ago I remember a particular Leadership training I was part of given by an International consultant, in which the facilitator emphasized the importance of our words in defining ourselves to others, the message was that we are what we say, we are our words. Though reluctant and resistant to that definition of my own essence, after all these years and experience working with so many people at all levels, I have come to my senses that we become what our own thoughts believe we are; therefore, we come to believe that we live and exist in a little box which we limit by our own words.
How many times have I heard "there's just no way", "it's such a long shot", "nobody has done it before", "do not even bother", "you are overly optimistic"? and at every single time I have defeated all the biases and learned from the lessons provided by every turn and every door that either gets open to a wonderful opportunity or shut on my face to invite me to move towards a path otherwise I wouldn't have walked on.
If you Google or check on entrepreneurs' biographies or just google inside your own self what make people take risks, you'll see that at every single time CHANGE was part of it. Change happens to all but some decide to make changes for themselves and be the creators of their own paths. You are literally 'the architect of your own Universe", you decide your every day and your future. Yes, you are your words when they tell you that you CAN change your career path, you CAN change your own self perception of what your true professional net value is, you CAN dare to invest in that asset that is your happiness of working on what you want and not just to make a living.
I am an immigrant myself to this Country as I looked for an opportunity to be transferred and fulfill a professional dream of increasing my global experience. I did not get the transfer by luck, I actually pushed for it and did lots of tiny steps until the moment and the opportunity matched and it landed. Then, when my first job in Houston was set to disappear, I did not get an offer to go somewhere else, but again networked and looked for the job I thought was my perfect match and got it. Two separate career events that could seem very 'lucky' but that were ultimately the result of those apparent small actions that allowed me to CHANGE my career according to my own aspirations.
All of us can provide many examples of that but many have felt stuck at one moment or another. That is why I made the decision of getting involved and officially opened my business as an Appreciative Career Coach because even if all of us are different we all have something in common: CHANGE HAPPENS AND WE CAN MAKE CHANGES.
Improv Your Employee Appreciation Day
2 days ago
I definitely agree with you in the sense of live, and especially on your comments on what we achieve depends on what we want, and how much we fight for it. But live and knowledge, in most cases, was given to us by our previous generations, through their presence, actions, words and efforts, and its our duty to show the new one how to dream about where they can get and how far they can go. Thanks for transferring this family duty to others, helping them to grow for a better and brighter future.
Thanks Jose. That is a wonderful reflection. It is our duty as parents to lead by example and encourage our kids to enjoy the challenges and changes of the global community we have become!
Mariela, I like the way you show the changes as part of our lives and how to make this process enjoyable and positive. I found in this web page a different and fresh view of career change. In my personal case I have worked for more than 20 years in the oil industry and the only permanent in my life were the changes. Thanks Mariela for all your support in a very creative way that push me to be a successful international worker. Good luck in this new challenge. ....Cesar
Thank YOU! I truly appreciate your feedback.
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