How delightful is to open a new present and ‘play’ with it. That new mini I-Pod or the coffee maker, the new bike or the special craft made by your kids…mmmm! Can you feel the distinctive smell?
I also love the feeling of finding one of my old toys. It is like when I go visiting my mother’s house and I go through those old photo albums and keepsakes, I get certainly nostalgic and I remember those ‘old times’ when things were different.
Then, my question is when did ‘different’ get a negative connotation? When did we start shaping ourselves to the 'play-doh' of the times forgetting our own texture and colors?
I have a fascination with originality. If it comes from your heart and you’ve taken the best is there combining it with your own genius, then we have ‘something’ and even we may get quite a number of those ‘things’. Do you know what those things are? IDEAS! your own and unique ideas. The ones that trigger your actions to where nobody else has put foot on before…your own vision!
Everyone has a gift, the main obstacle to use it resides it in oneself. Either there is a cultural reason that prevents you to enjoy your own greatness at something or a personal one that acts like a barrier with a huge sign that says: TRESPASSERS WILL BE PROSECUTED.
But why are you prosecuting yourself for daring to think and dream BIG? How about playing pretend these holidays to figure out you have the right to claim a territory of your own in your life? There, you can be your own CEO to collect your dues and direct your future at your best on your own to what is there waiting for you to dare to obtain it.
Are you laying on your couch Resting In Peace while you watch a re-run of the Survivor finale or brainstorming already in what to do different, what lessons have you learned already that could take you to a next level in your career and life in 2010?
It is your call, your business, your choice as you are the Producer, Director and main actor in your own reality show called: Living a life you deserve to call your own!
Open up your presents (=TALENTS) today and enjoy the smell, the feeling, the excitement of starting to play again with them!
Have fun!
Improv Your Employee Appreciation Day
2 days ago
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