Can you believe what happened to this guy? A speed machine that with no doubt was the best on his field and deserved gold, but as the end of the race approached he got the wrong signal from his coach to do what got him disqualified! It was a very expensive mistake that cost him not just a gold medal but some important financial losses. What if he had kept doing what he was doing already at his best?
Have you taken a wrong turn when you’ve almost got it? Though, I am a very open minded individual I coach myself – and clients – not to be blindly folded by others’ opinions and connect to one's inner voice to know when to follow your instincts and not somebody else’s. So, where to draw the line between what others tell you and your own instinct?
There are so many different stories related to what people wonder only if they had made a different career choice. Speed is key for the ambitious kind of people and making it to the top at a certain point for them is all what matters to win. For others it is about wondering what if they had not rejected a job offer that opened a wonderful career opportunity for the one that took it. But many are still wondering what they would have done if life had given them apples instead of lemons.
How many of you live in the ‘if’ of a moment?
What matters to me is the clarity of a vision that allows you to take some calculated chances with the unknown. Entrepreneurs have a business plan while individuals have their own career/life plans. Do you have one?
Do you know where you are going; therefore, are you ready to take risks and decisions that may get you closer to that destination?
Are you willing to invest your life, your time, your money more wisely, so then you can afford to live the triumph and growing experience that comes out of your decisions?
Because it is better to live up to your standards and your dreams than keeping your life wondering whether you could have done it differently if ….
Most of my clients when talking to me wonder what if they had come to me a year before, what if they had listened to really qualified people on their field instead of their well intentioned friends, what if they had began doing networking at the beginning of their career transition instead of relying mostly on the web, what if they had taken the time to understand the ‘host Country’ business culture in order to adjust their brand effectively, what if…
What if you stop wondering now and take the courage to assume the consequences of your decisions and control your life and career from now on.
What if you decide you do not have all the answers and start looking for mentors and/or coaches to facilitate your success in that journey?
What if when you go to your network you have a level of clarity in your own brand that allows yourself to sell it effectively?
What if you have a job search strategy that combines multiple resources aligned to a vision linked to a unique brand?
What if you take the time not just to ask, ask, ask to your network but decide to actually share best practice with them and give back?
‘People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are.
I don't believe in circumstances.
The people who get on in this world
are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want.
And if they can’t, make them.’
- George Bernard Shaw
Improv Your Employee Appreciation Day
1 day ago