“When you want something, the entire universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”
This is a phrase that comes from one of my favorite personal books - the Alquimist by Paulo Coelho -. When I read it back in 1997 while I was on a long solo business trip to UK I was very impacted by it. It was a perfect moment in my life and a phrase that made sense to it. Inspirational stuff you may say.
Are you a believer? Are you inspired? Do you truly believe in yourself? What about your vision? How are you coming across to those that encounter you? What is the perception you create with your Brand? Are you pushing the Universe to conspire in your favor or sitting in front of your computer screen hoping to be discovered by a head hunter that comes across your resume at a job board?
I love conspiracies, the intellectual ones driven with such passion that can’t be defeated. Are you a key actor in your own conspiracy?
First and foremost, take full accountability of your life. Then, ask yourself:
1. Are you still aware of your vision? When was the last time you stopped to reflect on it?
2. Are your actions connected to it? Is your job transitioning where you want it to be? Are you taking every necessary –well planned and prepared – step to get you to your vision?
3. How aligned are your resources to it? What kind of networking, volunteering, and contribution you are making to ensure you are not one number of the unemployment statistics? Are you paying forward or you're always looking for something?
4. Are you having some fun? Can you tell, honestly, you are doing your best? Do you remember the Jerry Maguire movie in which there is a part Jerry finally gets what it really means to be #1. Being oneself, dreaming big time, daring and risking it all and above all, using a very distinctive brand that eventually put him in top of his competition to win it all.
5. Do people trust you? Gain TRUST as your biggest commodity value. Have you read the Speed of Trust by Covey? If high trust organizations outperform low trust organizations by 286% on Total Return to Shareholders can you imagine how your total return will be when you manage your own Professional Brand by adding Trust as one of its core competencies?
Get inspired in your job transition process. It is all right to experience ups and downs. The job, the unemployment, the size of the house or the car will never determine who you are. You do!
Remember …“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. “ Mark Twain
Improv Your Employee Appreciation Day
2 days ago
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