Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Have you eaten your career transition’s frog, yet?

I just watched a short video inspired on the Eat that Frog’s book by Brian Tracy and I couldn’t help relating it to all the frogs most people keep everywhere that drain their energy and stop them to release their full potential and achieve their goal.

The idea behind the book is that by procrastinating what you would prefer not to do your energy switches in a way that prevents you to get the important things done.

These are the most common frogs I’ve seen in my clients that stop them to be at their best and release their full potential to the job market:

1. Networking. Isn’t it true that some of you get extremely uneasy about the whole networking setting? You know there are huge benefits in sharing best practice and extending your network but you still leave it as a last priority finding always a very reasonable excuse not to do it. You even complain your career transition would be over if you only knew those key contacts in the companies you know you are perfect for. The truth? It does not happen overnight, it does not happen if you hide under the blankets of your busy agenda, it does not happen when you stay behind your computer. Now, eat that frog first and select that affinity group you feel most likely aligned to your vision and go for it.

2. Asking for help. I have talked so many times to other entrepreneurs, professionals and executives about this concept. We all get approached by people wanting to meet us but once they are gone, most of the times they have failed to actually ask for what they needed from us to move on. There is a silent expectation that help will be given even if it is not asked for. Well, most of the times that is not the case. So, put that vision together and identify the people that could help contributing to your action plan implementation. The sources of expertise will be very likely flattered by a well structured and professional request. Now, eat that frog!

3. Social Media's active use. I get hired by clients to go through the social media concept, advantages and potential uses in the job search process. Most of them decide to do so after procrastinating it for a long time. They are afraid they will not be good at it and that it will be very difficult for them to get up to speed with what Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter –among others – have to offer to speed up their career transition journey. Eat that frog and go on to start enjoying the benefits social media can offer to get you closer to your vision.

4. A well aligned professional brand. Almost everything can look good on paper, but how to ensure you are selling your unique brand in a resume and not just a format copied from a cheap website? I was having lunch today with a couple of amazing recruiters who mentioned how they get turned off by resumes that contain fancy words not connected to the applicant’s track record. They also stop looking at resumes that provide looong wording sentences with no real meaning, connection or added value to the former employer’s business. Most recruiters who use social media have also found horrifying stories or pictures of those potential candidates for a job not aligned at all with the information given on the application form. Prepare and eat that frog to do your homework in order to sell consistently your Brand at your best with all what it takes!

5. Lack of a clear vision. Any job is not a job. When I get approached on networking events by job seekers with no specific goal I know their chances of succeeding are very low as they are not taking themselves seriously enough to put together a vision to drive them forward. Not having a vision will turn off most of your contacts that will very unlikely refer someone who does not even have a career goal, not enough confidence in selling connected competencies and highlights to the job market; therefore, no exceptional substance to work with. Eat that frog!

6. Grateful and mindful. How many have you forgotten to thank that contact who gave you that key tip for the job you were looking for? It is never too late to be thankful. What goes around comes around. I got recently a very rare thank you note from someone who I met while job transitioning and that after finding his job was thankful enough to e-mail all the people that helped him to be successful on it. That does not happen as often as it should. Eat that frog and show gratitude to your network and give back!

Best Success in your new diet and for those looking for the video here’s the link that I have also placed on my Facebook Career4Change page that you are welcome to visit anytime for a bilingual career coaching experience.

Video’s Link:

Career 4 Change Facebook Page:

"Procrastination is opportunity's natural assassin." ~Victor Kiam

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